Category: Hill tribes

Long Neck Women the Hill Tribes of NorthernThailand

September 7, 2017 By Richard

Long Neck Women Author: George Bowman Discover Thailand with Thailand Discovery Long neck women. Imagine living in a village in the mountains of Burma enjoying life. Growing what is needed, fishing and hunting along with raising a family. Then one day a military regime comes to the village and tells everyone to move. Today. Now. […]

Tribal Thailand Indigenous Tribe Mlabri People Losing Their Identity

July 13, 2017 By Richard

Tribal Thailand Indigenous Tribe. Spirits of the Yellow Leaves – Walking into oblivion Author: Josh@Asiabackpackers. Discover Thailand with Thailand Discovery Tribal Thailand Indigenous Tribe. The Mlabri are a first world people, currently going through a transformation process, which has taken others thousands of years…… and which could cost them their identity. Tribal Thailand Indigenous Tribe […]

Indigenous Tribes of Thailand The Vanishing Tai Khuen Tribe

June 22, 2017 By Richard

Indigenous Tribes of Thailand The Vanishing Tai Khuen Tribe Author: Josh@Asiabackpakers Discover Thailand with Thailand Discovery Indigenous Tribes of Thailand. An ancient people who were forced from their homes to rebuild an abandoned city, in a neighboring Kingdom and who are fighting to keep their identity    Indigenous Tribes of Thailand Over many centuries different tribal […]

Thailand People Hill Tribe Kuy People the Elephant Hunters of Southeast Asia

March 4, 2017 By Richard

Thailand People Hill Tribe Kuy People the Elephant Hunters of Southeast Asia Author: Josh@Asiabackpackers Discover Thailand with Thailand Discovery Thailand People Hill Tribe Kuy People Thailand People Hill Tribe Kuy. The Kuy are an indigenous ethnic group of Southeast Asia, their native lands roughly straddle the boarders of Laos, Cambodia and Thailand, their numbers in the latter (2006) were put […]

Thailand Hill tribes The Thai Lue of Thailand

November 28, 2016 By Richard

Thailand Hill tribes The Thai Lue of Thailand Author : Josh@Asiabackpackers Discover Thailand with Thailand Discovery  Thailand Hill tribes The Thai Lue. The story of a people, who for centuries been quietly ignored, and whose culture has blurred, with the passing of time and their assimilation into their new homes here in Thailand   Thailand […]

Thailand Hill Tribes Tai Yai Northern Thailand

October 5, 2016 By Richard

 Thailand Hill Tribes Tai Yai Northern Thailand Author: Josh@Asiabackpackers Discover Thailand with Thailand Discovery Thailand Hill Tribes Tai Yai Thailand Hill Tribes Tai Yai. While the Tai Yai  (Shan) people have lived in the mountains of northern Thailand longer than most other tribes, they are not commonly seen as Hill Tribes. The term ‘Hill Tribe’ (Chao Khao) […]

Thailand Chiang Mai Forgotten Tribe The Tai Kheun

September 29, 2016 By Richard

Thailand Chiang Mai Forgotten Tribe The Tai Kheun Discover thailand with Thailand Discovery Thailand Chiang Mai  Thailand Chiang Mai. There is a lot of talk of Thainess around these days with the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) using the term to promote the charms of the kingdom and its people. But what exactly is Thainess? […]

Thailand Hill Tribes The Mon People

September 16, 2016 By Richard

Thailand Hill Tribes The Mon People Author: Josh@Asiabackpackers Discover Thailand with Thailand Discovery The Mon People are an ancient people who moulded South East Asia, but much of their own traditions are largely unknown Thailand Hill Tribes The Mon Myanmar Harp Early History of the Mon People The Mon people, (Thai: มอญ) also spelled Mun, Burmese: Talaing, are one […]

Thailand Hill Tribes The Haw in Today’s Thailand

September 6, 2016 By Richard

Thailand Hill Tribes The Haw in Today’s Thailand Author:Josh@Asiabackpackers Discover Thailand with Thailand Discovery Thailand Hill Tribes The Haw. Many guidebooks describe the Chin – Haw people, (generally shortened by the Thai people to Haw), as the Kingdom’s “Chinese Hill Tribe”. But unlike the other better known Hill Tribes, who share the mountainous areas in Northern Thailand, […]

Thailand Hill Tribes the 5 Hill tribes of Chiang Rai

August 9, 2016 By Richard

Thailand Hill Tribes Discovering the 5 Hill tribes of Chiang Rai Thailand Hill Tribes Villages Chiang Rai Rarely would you get a chance to spend time with the different ethnic and indigenous groups in Thailand while traveling unless you seek them out. It is quite an adventure where you can experience tribal life, living in a village, […]

The Akha Swing Festival Thailand

July 19, 2016 By Richard

The Akha Swing Festival Thailand Author: Josh at Asia Backpackers Discover Thailand with Thailand Discovery The 80,000 or so Akha people who now reside in the mountains of northern Thailand and are now known colloquially as one of Thailand’s ‘Hill Tribes’ once had their own Kingdom in what is now China, but over centuries of […]

Hill Tribes Thailand Padaung Travel Thailand

January 24, 2016 By Richard

Hill Tribes Thailand Padaung Travel Thailand Author Josh at Asia backpackers Hill Tribes Thailand Padaung Travel Thailand. Where the ancient Padaung People better known as ‘Long-Necks’ or even ‘Giraffe People’ have been branded as ‘Cannibals’, when Divorce can leave you bed ridden. Slavers, dragons, tigers and beauty are an explanation for their customs and Premarital sex results in […]