Thailand Blogs The Art of Blogging Part 2
September 22, 2016Thailand Blogs The Art of Blogging Part 2
By GPendrageon
Discover Thailand with Thailand Discovery
Thailand Blogs The Art of Blogging
Now that you have all your pictures ready, you can decide on a format to write your blog. I prefer to use the Microsoft Word Document, while others may use the notepad or type straight into a blog site application. Using the word document application is a lot easier because you can use spell and grammar check, insert hyperlinks or pictures and then later just copy and paste everything to the blog application,
Normally a blog article contains around 300 to 500 words. You can keep track of your word count at the bottom left corner of your word document screen. Start writing your blog by first deciding on a topic or your blog. The topic should match your pictures and overall essence of your story. This would go right at the top of your page.
If you have problems inserting pictures into your blogs then maybe Richard can give you a hand to put it into your article or if you are using a blog site already, all pictures will be resized by the application.
Thailand Blogs The Art of Blogging
The Art of Blogging Part 2 – Getting ready to blog
Here are the steps to start writing your blog:
- Use a blank Word document and type in your topic at the top of the page. This in turn becomes your document file name when you save the document. Once you have the topic, go to the left top corner of your screen to the tab “File”. Click on it and you have a drop list, select “Save As” to save your file to a convenient location, either on your desktop or in a folder. The document will be saved as the topic you have written. Remember to save your file often by clicking on the floppy disc icon on the upper left corner. Do not rely too much on auto save, sometimes when your PC hangs, you will lose your work!
- I like to start my blog with a picture but you may go straight into the first paragraph. In the first paragraph, it is an introduction to what your blog is all about. Keep the language simple but make it interesting. The paragraph need not be long maybe around 120 words or less. Describe in here, your overall delights of the place, situation, item etc. This draws your readers to follow next what you want to tell them.
- After the first paragraph, you can place the next picture that yo have sorted previously. Make sure there is a flow to your pictures and the actual location as you do not want your readers to be going back and forth if they really go visit the place! Describe in as much detail about the picture and a little of the surroundings in the picture. Tell your readers what you found so exciting that they must see this.
- Continue inserting your desired number of pictures and descriptions in the paragraphs until you are done and at the closing paragraph. It is good at this point to reread your article a few tims and check for errors such as spelling or grammar which appear as a red or blue line under your text. Just right click on your mouse when you come to these and it will have a selection of correct spelling or grammar for you to choose from.
- Lastly is the closing paragraph, where you can give the readers a general opinion of the place you have visited and why they should go see it. The closing paragraph is where you make a lasting impression to your article.
Some writers like to write their articles with a tone of humour while others are more serious in their overtones. The body of your articles depends on your personality such as are you a straight forward person or do you like light-hearted humour? So do decide which of these overtones best suit you. At this point, you would have written your first article, congratulations! It gets more fun as you write more and start building your own following of fans. Happy blogging!
Thailand Blogs The Art of Blogging
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