Buddha Hill Pattaya

Buddha Hill Pattaya

October 17, 2015 By Richard

Buddha Hill Pattaya Thailand

Buddha Hill Pattaya
Buddha Hill, also known as Pattaya Hill, and the Big Buddha overlook Pattaya. Big Buddha Hill is dominated by a massive big Buddha painted in gold and as high as a three story house some 300 feet above Jomtien and Pattaya’s coastline alike. Originally the Buddha was white but later it was painted in gold and can be seen for many miles around. Surrounding the Big Buddha are smaller Buddha’ statues.

At the base of the stairs leading up to the Buddha image there are usually vendors for soft drinks, and snacks, and small birds in cages. The birds may be purchased to take to the top of the hill and release them to make merit.

Note also the two huge golden seven-headed nagas flanking the steps leading to the top of the hill. There is both a Buddhist temple and a Chinese temple. Affords great views of Pattaya and Jomtien.

Getting there.

Heading towards Pattaya at the top of Pattaya Hill as you leave Jomtien turn left at the traffic lights. After about 1 kilometer you will see a turn right to Big Buddha and left to the top of Pattaya Hill the home of Pattaya Radio and the monument to HRH Admiral Krom Luang Jumborn Khet Udomsakdi.

Pattaya City (Thai: เมืองพัทยา; rtgsMueang Phatthaya) is a self-governing municipal area which covers the whole tambonNong Prue and Na Kluea and parts of Huai Yai and Nong Pla Lai. The city is in the heavily industrial Eastern Seaboard zone, along with Si Racha, Laem Chabang, and Chonburi. Pattaya’s census population figures of 107,000 only account for residents who bothered to register in the city. Pattaya is the centre of the Pattaya-Chonburi Metropolitan Area – the conurbation in Chonburi Province – with a total population exceeding 1,000,000

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