Three legged dog latest Thai Net sensation

April 27, 2016 By Richard

Three legged dog latest Thai Net sensation

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Three legged dog latest Thai Net sensation
Image: Voice TV

BANGKOK:–  Three legged dog latest Thai Net sensation. A dog called “Lloyd” who lost a leg has become the latest star of the internet for Thai animal lovers.

Tens of thousands have viewed, shared and commented on videos of the cute pooch that are doing the rounds on Facebook, reports Voice TV.

Thousands left messages of support on the page of the animal hospital at Kaset University in Bang Khen who have been caring for the dog known as a chiba-inu breed in Thai that means dog of Chiba prefecture in Japanese.

Lloyd is learning how to walk on three legs and netizens were relieved to hear about the close care he is receiving along with the help of his owner Sikawat.

Apparently the mutt’s blood pressure is now normal and he is healing up really well thanks to a whole cabinet of drugs to aid his recovery. And with 20,000 well wishers online what more could the happy hound desire?

Three legged dog latest Thai Net sensation

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