Why Asian people don’t wear shoes indoors
March 10, 2016Why Asian people don’t wear shoes indoors
Explore and Discover Thailand
Why Asian people don’t wear shoes indoors. The old traditional homes in Asia were raised about 2 feet off the ground for ventilation and staying above the cold damp earth. It was customary to remove your slippers in the entry which was at ground level and one would step up into the home in their socks. This custom of removing your shoes before entering a home, is still practiced in Asian homes throughout the world.
Originally, the Japanese home had wood hallways with tatami or woven straw mats as flooring for the rooms. The ancient Koreans had under floor heating stones to heat their wooden floors. That’s the original radiant heat!!! What one must remember is that the Asian lifestyle at that time was mainly centered around the floor. The tables were low and they sat on the floor to eat, sleep and do all their activities. That’s why it was so important to have clean and warm floors. That tradition remains today.
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