buddhist monk

Buddhist Monk In Thailand A Very Common Daily Sight

September 5, 2017 By Richard

Buddhist Monk In Thailand A Very Common Daily Sight

Author: George Bowman

Discover Thailand with Thailand Discovery

Buddhist Monk. Right off the bat let me say that the longer I live in Thailand the less I know about Thailand. Having said that, Buddhist temples are common throughout much like churches in America. While over 90% of Thais practice Buddhism, it does not mean they all do it the same way. They don’t.

Many Thai men will become a monk ranging from a few days to a lifetime. At the crack of day many monks will walk through our village collecting morning alms. This food will then be taken back to the Wat to be eaten and shared with the poor villagers. Everyday monks take care of the temple compound, cut the grass, clean the inside of the buildings, pray, learn and study the Buddha teachings. Some monks are more energetic than others.

I have seen Buddhist monks invited for family events such as births, marriages, funerals and house blessings. In the past the Wat ran the local school but now the Thai government has taken over control. For most of the schools, I think.

As with any religion, anytime there is money involved, problems can arise. Our family donates to some and not to others. An upcoming story will show the ordination ceremony to become a monk.

The longer I live in Thailand the less I know…


Monks receiving morning alms.


Thai Wedding. As in America the paperwork is completed at the local government office.


Living quarters for the monks are on the temple compound.


Blessing the site of where our home was being built.


Working & Supervising


Relaxing during the day. Thai men will become a monk for all different types of reasons.


Walking through the Village


A man and his dog.


Thais will often purchase food to donate to the monks.


Monks will walk in order of seniority.


Daily Donations




The Morning Ritual

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