Secrets of a Buddhist Monk

Secrets of a Buddhist Monk

December 26, 2015 By Richard

Author: Terry Bouris

Secrets Of A Buddhist Monk
That Could Change Your Life Forever

The life of a Buddhist Monk is a far cry from the ever-changing, frantically paced and stressful environment most of us live in. Adopting some of the practices of a Buddhist Monk may result in having a more peaceful, patient and thoughtful life. Try one of these at a time or all at once, do whatever is practical for you.

Only Do One Thing At A Time

Task by Task, rather than multi-tasking.
For example: when reading, just read. When cooking, just cook.

“When walking, walk. When eating, eat.” –  Zen proverb.

Do It Slowly and With Focus

Now that you’re doing one thing at a time, don’t rush to complete it.
Instead, focus on the task, consider and decide the best way to complete the task, take your time, move slowly and deliberately. The ability to focus on only one task will take some practise. Be patient, if you want to do it, you can.

Persist Until You Finish

Do not think about the other tasks ahead, focus on this task only. Concentrate on the current task until it is completed.
If it is not possible to complete this task now, put it to the side and clean up the unfinished task so it does not interfere with your next action or task.

Do Less

The Buddhist Monk’s day begins very early and there are always many tasks and routines ahead. Importantly, the task list is limited and does have an end.
Today has its tasks, and there are no more.
If your “to-do” list is never ending, you will never have peace or the opportunity to stop. It is very important to reward your body and yourself with a finish to the day’s tasks.

Rest and Recreation

Importantly, the Monk does not start his next task immediately upon completion of the previous task. There is time, how much time is up to you,  allocated to rest and defocus on the previous task prior to the next task.

During this time, you can rest, meditate or simply, look around you and appreciate life.

Rituals and Routines

Buddhist Monks base their day around routine tasks.
Monks also have many rituals, from the sacred to the ordinary. Rituals surrounding cleaning are considered as important as the rituals surrounding meditation.
Attempt to put some routine into your day. Of course, these routines will sometimes be changed, but attempt to return to them as soon as you can.

Make the Time

Some of the daily routine activities are done at the same time every day.

For example, bathing, working, cleaning and eating all take place in their time to ensure they are done regularly and properly.
You can designate time like this for your own regularly-occurring activities, make this, “your time”.

Stop and Reflect

Meditation is vitally important in the life of any Buddhist.
Portions of every day are set aside for meditation, this will teach presence and living from moment to moment.

Smile and Serve

Monks spend a set amount of time every day servicing the needs of others. This teaches humility and helps remove any selfishness.
In the same way, the practices of smiling and kindness help to improve the lives of those around you, and your own.

Meditate While You Work

Cooking and cleaning are two extremely important chores in a Buddhist Monk’s day. Meditation can be done when you are doing these or mowing the lawns, gardening, washing the car or even walking the dog.

If you find any these boring or a chore, try to surround them with meditation and ritual.

If you do as we mentioned earlier, put your mind to them, focus and do them completely. You may change your mind about these tasks.

Live A Less Cluttered Life

While we are not Zen Monks, it is interesting to look at how they live. There is little in their lives which is not necessary; simple clothing, shelter, utensils, some tools and basic vegetarian food.
This is extreme and in our lives not practical, however, their example makes sense. The more things you have, more problems and concerns usually follow. Try to get rid of the unnecessary items we keep for no real reason.

Make Sacrifices – Help Others

Do not have that extra drink, do not buy this years fashion when last years is still ok. Use the leftovers to make another meal instead of buying take-away.
Save that money for a rainy day or use it to help someone who is struggling to get the essentials you already have. You will be surprised at how much better this can make you feel.